VAT deferral – apply now to spread your  payments

VAT deferral – apply now to spread your  payments

The VAT deferral new payment scheme is open for all businesses who deferred paying VAT due between 20 March and 30‌‌ June‌‌ 2020 and have been unable to pay in full by 31 March‌‌ ‌2021. You can apply now to spread these payments – businesses that join by  19‌‌ ‌May‌‌‌...
VAT deferral new payment scheme

VAT deferral new payment scheme

The new payment scheme helps businesses with deferred VAT to pay what they owe in smaller, monthly instalments from March, interest free. The scheme is now open, and you can choose to make 2-11 monthly payments, depending on when you join. The later you join the fewer...